Thursday, February 21, 2013

"Hey Howdy Hey!"

What a weird title, right? Well, if you all know even a little about me and my family, you would know that my son, Little Roo, is a "Toy Story" fanatic right now! I kid you not, my friends....he is obsessed! In the movie, one of the toys, Woody, says this phrase quite often and Little Roo gets a giggle every time. We love it!

Little Roo's birthday is next month and in staying true with my OCD tenancies, I started planning his birthday party about 2 months after is FIRST birthday! I knew that he liked "Toy Story", but at the time he also liked "Jake and the Never land Pirates". I had two scenarios planned out on Pintrest (MY obsession!). Last month I finally knew, without a doubt, which one I would put into fruition and "Toy Story" was the winner! Now, my friends, I am a creative thinker....but my bestie Sara is a creative DO-ER! lol. We put our minds together and we have been working hard on this birthday party! The gift bags are going to be something that every kid wants! lol. I am super proud of what this party will be. I am still having some trouble uploading photo's on here but as soon as it allows about next Thursday..I will post some pics of the things we are doing. I, the "thinker", have even been getting my crafting on!! Go me!

It's hard for me to think about my little guy turning two already. As I have watched him grow and reach new milestones, there have been times that I have just wished him to be that sweet little baby again. The one that I held for HOURS at a time! Now that little baby is a toddler boy that has grown to be very mischievous,  has a very big imagination, has a love for all things "Toy Story", loves being outside and running, gives the sweetest hugs, thinks he's a ninja turtle, and has a HUGE heart! In this next year with him, I am going to live in the NOW and relish every new thing that he does and allow myself to just be....blessed!

Have an amazing day my friends!


  1. After the first birthday, they just go rolling by! Our third is coming up!!

  2. It's crazy...I just want him to SLOW DOWN!
